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dtl OpenType Upgrade Program

As announced by Adobe, support for PostScript Type1 fonts in Creative Cloud applications was discontinued completely in 2023 (a year after this was already the case for Photoshop). Registered users of the PostScript Type1 variants of dtl typefaces can upgrade their license(s) to the OpenType format via the dtl OpenType Upgrade Program against an additional fee.
        Currently OpenType Standard versions are available of most dtl typefaces and in some cases even OpenType Pro and Plus variants that contain extensive character sets and applicable OpenType Layout features. For checking the availability of OpenType versions, the OpenType Boutique can be used.



Tabular and old-style figures

The PostScript Type1 contain specific character sets (code pages) for, for example, Western European, Eastern European, Turkish, Cyrillic, or Greek. The code pages for identical scripts and languages used on macOS and Windows differ, and normally it is not possible to use the fonts for one platform on another one – with exception of Windows TrueType fonts (.ttf).
        OpenType fonts are fully platform independent and contain at least character sets that cover the related macOS and Windows code pages. With exception of the SmallCaps versions, the OpenType Standard fonts of the Dutch Type Library contain both tabular and old style figures and are therefore the equivalents of the ‘Standard’ and ‘Special’ fonts in the ps Type1 and TrueType formats. Switching between the two ranges of figures is possible via an OpenType Layout feature.

Advanced typography features can be used in applications that support OpenType Layout features

The OpenType Pro fonts contain character sets for all Western and Eastern European languages, besides Turkish, for the SmallCaps also. The tabular and old style figures are available on both tabular and proportional widths. Also an extensive range of ligatures, superior and inferior figures, (nut) fractions, etcetera, –together with applicable OpenType Layout features– are part of the Pro versions. The OpenType Plus fonts contain besides the character set of the Pro versions also Cyrillic and/or Greek code pages.

In addition to extensive character sets, the dtl OpenType Pro fonts also contain all kinds of fractions

An OpenType Standard font costs €125 for a single-user license. The price for an OpenType Standard SmallCaps font is €100. An upgrade from a PostScript Type1 or TrueType font to an OpenType Standard font costs €25 administration costs; plus the price difference between the ps Type1 or TrueType font and the OpenType font.
        For example, when originally €100 was paid for the ps Type1 or TrueType font and the OpenType font costs €125, the update price is €25 plus the price difference, which is in this case also €25. Because a ‘Standard’/‘Special’ bundle for ps Type1 or TrueType costs €125, updating to OpenType Standard will cost only €25, i.e., administration costs.

An OpenType Pro font costs €250 and the same conditions concerning the update pricing mentioned above, can be applied here. The OpenType Pro fonts contain also the Smallcap sets and in case a ‘Standard’/‘Special’ bundle plus a SmallCaps font, which costs together €225, is updated to an OpenType Pro font, the total costs are €50.

An OpenType Plus font costs €250 plus €100 for every additional code page. Also for this format the price difference plus €25 will be calculated for an update.

If a complete dtl type family is upgraded to OpenType Standard, Pro or Plus, a discount of 25% on the total upgrade price will be applied.

Mentioned prices are exclusive v.a.t. and shipment costs. Please contact for more information dtl’s sales department (e-mail) or via the form above.


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Last update: 18 November 2024. Copyright © Dutch Type Library, 1998–2024. All rights reserved

dtl Headquarters | Zwaenenstede 49 | 5221 kc ’s-Hertogenbosch | The Netherlands
dtl Studio | Daliënwaerd 71 | 5221 ke ’s-Hertogenbosch | The Netherlands
phone: +31 (0)73 614 95 36 | fax: +31 (0)73 613 98 23 | e-mail: